RawMat2021 Press conference
We invite you to attend the press conference of the RawMat2021 which is going to take place tomorrow, Friday 3 September at 12.00 local time (Greece) with the participation of journalists from the local media.
The press conference link is:
COVID-19 Restrictions
Following to the recently announced regulation by the authorities for the organization of conference events in Greece, here are some general guidelines that should be followed by all attendees and presenters with physical presence at RawMat2021.
According to the prevailing health and safety measures as of September 1st, 2021, attendees upon entering the Conference venue should hold one of the following:
1. Vaccination certificate, or
2. Recovery certificate (issued 30 days after positive Covid-19 test result and valid for 180 days after issue date), or
3. Certificate of negative Rapid antigen test (up to 24 hours before) or RT-PCR test (up to 72 hours before).
All attendees can enter the Conference venue only if they have previously registered to the event online.
The use of a face mask is mandatory for all attendees.
We will appreciate if you can fully comply to these guidelines in order to avoid potential risks and undesirable situations.
Looking forward to meeting you in Athens!
Presentation Guidelines
Oral contributions
Regular oral presentations will last 15 minutes which include a 12 min speech by the presenting author and another 3 min for questions by the audience. Plenary and keynote presentations will be given a 30 minutes duration (25 min speech and 5 min for discussion).
On-site presentations should be delivered in Microsoft PowerPoint format (.pptx file) or Adobe Acrobat Reader format (.pdf file). Preferably, the widescreen ratio (16:9) should be used. The file should be electronically handed by the speaker to the Registration Desk at least one session before his/her presentation.
For online presentations, the responsible person for the broadcasting will contact the author some days before the presentation in order to test the connection and resolve possible problems that may arise. Then, the author will be asked to enter the broadcasting system during the break before the session starts.
In order to keep the program on time, all authors are requested to be accurate in their timetable and presentation durations.
Poster presentations
All posters will be placed in a special website accessed by all participants. Authors’ contact details will be visible to allow questions and ideas exchange. An option to include a short 3-min video presentation file will be available.
The presenting authors with οn-site participation should hang their printed posters in the morning of their presentation and remove them at the end of the poster session. The preferable dimensions for posters should be 80 cm x 120 cm (width x height). All posters are required to conform to portrait orientation. Type size should be sufficiently large to allow people to read from 2-3 meters.
The posters from those authors with Virtual attendance will appear in the monitors of the conference hall throughout the poster session.
All Presentations should be prepared in English language (official language of the Conference).
Program announcement
International Conference on Raw Materials and Circular Economy
“Technological Developments and Future Challenges”
Dear participants,
It is a great pleasure to announce the full program of RawMat2021 which is planned to take place in both Physical and Virtual format for presenters and attendees.
View the conference program here…
Full paper submission is now open
International Conference on Raw Materials and Circular Economy
“Technological Developments and Future Challenges”
Announcement Summary: Full paper submission is now open
Dear participants,
The reviewing process for submitted abstracts is on the way. Most of you have already received or very soon you will receive an email with the decision. Immediately after the acceptance of your abstract you may begin to prepare the full paper which is oriented to be published in the RawMat2021 Proceedings Volume hosted in Materials Proceedings journal.
Publication in the Proceedings Volume will be free of charge for all registered participants and the paper will be available as an open access document.
Read the full announcement here…